HIPAA Statement

BitAcuity is committed to ensuring that its products and services meet or exceed legal obligations with respect to the use and disclosure of protected health information (“PHI”) as governed by HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).


As an organization that is contracted to perform functions for health care providers (“Covered Entities”), BitAcuity’s products and services have been designed to assist Covered Entities in complying with HIPAA.

Specifically, in conjunction with our Business Associate Agreement for HIPAA Covered Entities, FolderGrid incorporates the following features and safeguards:

  • FolderGrid encrypts all data in transmission and in storage. All communication is TLS encrypted (1.0 or better depending upon browser capability) and run through a separate 256-bit AES cipher using an initialization vector (IV) specific to that individual file. File contents are never fully reassembled anywhere except on the customer’s machine.
  • FolderGrid supports administrative safeguards to protect PHI. Customer's domain administrators maintain full control over who has access to data at all times. Discrete permissions can be assigned to users on a file-by-file basis to ensure proper access to sensitive data.
  • FolderGrid incorporates auditing systems that log access and changes to individual files.
  • FolderGrid protects customers’ data. FolderGrid immediately and automatically redundantly secures every stored file on multiple devices across multiple facilities.